My carbon footprint

I calculated my carbon footprint over a year ago, but damned if I can remember what I scored. All I remember is that it was much higher than I anticipated - I think I was actually a little offended, to tell you the truth - I thought I wasn't impacting the Earth that much.

So it's time for a new calculation. To tell you the truth, I'm slightly overwhelmed by the number of carbon footprint calculators out there, and how their results all differ! If you think there is a better one out there than the site I've used, please let me know.

I choose the One Degree of Change calculator (it's an Aussie one) and that calculated my carbon footprint to be 21.93 tonnes of CO2!

Well, it was. I say "was" because just last week I signed up to a green power plan with my energy provider, so now 50% of our energy comes from accredited green power sources. We're planning on getting solar panels installed later this year (thanks to a Green loan from our local bank - they offer lower interest rates to help greenify your home.)

So, taking into account my 50% green energy, my footprint is now 12.61 tonnes. Is that a lot? Obviously it's a whole lot better than my earlier footprint, but I need some

Apparently if I make the following small changes, my footprint will drop to 11.09 tonnes.
- install low flow restrictors on taps
- drive 20% less each week by walking, cycling or car pooling.

In an effort to drive less, I have started parking my car a good distance away from work so I can walk in the rest of the way. Last week I walked 15km instead of driving. That's probably about my limit at the moment though, as I have a knee injury.

As for the low flow tap valves - I'm working on it!


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