My progress so far

The good stuff:

♡ I only wash full loads of laundry in cold water, and we don't own a dryer
♡ We use a water saving shower head, and I don't shower every day (sponge bath in between)
♡ We have solar hot water
♡ We don't have mains water connected, only tank water (which isn't by choice, but turning out better now that we're actually getting some rain)
♡ I buy secondhand where I can -around 85% of my clothes are purchased secondhand
♡ I use green grocery bags most of the time
♡ I carry Baggu and Envirosax shopping bags in my handbag
♡ I put on an extra layer of clothes before turning on the heater
♡ I sewed my own netting bags to use for fruit and veggies, but I don't have enough
♡ I make my own laundry powder from borax, washing soda and Lux flakes
♡ All foodscraps go to either the chooks, the dog or the compost bin
♡ I have a veggie patch, but  I am new to growing veggies so it's a bit hit and miss at the moment
♡ I recycle fairly diligently
♡ I try to buy my fresh produce from local grocers, butchers and bakers
♡ I use a hot water bottle instead of an electric blanket

The not-so-good stuff:

♡ I drive to work each day by myself. We live over 20km away from work, and there is no public transport available. There really isn't anyone to carpool with either (believe me - I've signed up to carpooling websites).
♡ My partner and I can be pretty slack with cooking meals, so we occasionally have takeaway. Some takeaway = plastic packaging.
♡ We eat a lot of plastic-packaged foods, and use a lot of pre-made ingredients (sauces, marinades)
♡ We have three reptile enclosures that require 24/7 heat - I should insulate their enclosures better to retain more heat
♡ Our fridge is right next to the stove/oven - I need to insulate this too
♡ I still use paper towel / tissues – trying to get out of this habit

What extra can I do?

♡ Unplug unused electrical items at the wall
♡ Buy biodegradable dishwashing liquid, and bucket the laundry / dish water out onto the grass (if safe)
♡ Limit takeaway foods to those with recyclable packaging
♡ Try to plan our meals around mainly whole foods, and not prepackaged items

Can you think of anything else I could do?


Rebecca Jean said...

You've got quite an impressive list going already. Kudos!

Have you thought about taking your own containers for take out? Check out this site:

I carry a wrap-n-mat in my purse for taking home leftovers at restaurants. Also carry my own bamboo utensils (To-go ware), cloth napkin, Klean Kanteen and glass straw from Glass Dharma.

Always ask for "no straw" when eating out. You'll reduce plastic and paper waste.

I have tons of ideas! If you ever have questions, please ask me. I'd love to help.

BTW, a lot of vintage values are right in line with going green. I think the two go hand in hand perfectly.

♥ Rebecca Jean
Midnight Maniac

Ruby Rach said...

Thanks Rebecca!

I had the "carry your own utensils" lightbulb go off on the weekend while I was eating in a shopping centre food court. I did manage to choose a restaurant that used reusable/washable plates, but they had disposable wooden chopsticks or plastic spoons on offer.

I try and carry my Sigg bottle with me wherever I go, because that keeps me from buying sugary drinks (plus it cuts down on the plastic I use!)

I've never heard of the wrap-n-mats - what a great idea! I have seen the sandwich-bag style ones on etsy, and I plan on making my own to carry some of my lunches in.

One question - cling wrap. I take my own lunches to work, and I can't decide what is better - using a bowl from home with cling wrap, or a plastic (but reusable) Tupperware container.

Rebecca Jean said...

Have you heard of lunch bots? Or stainless steel tiffins? Bento boxes? Any of these are great alternatives to plastic when transporting food away from home.

For soups and other saucy messy things, I use a stainless steel thermos if I will be eating it within a few hours. If it's something that needs to be reheated, a glass jar works great. Airtight leak-proof seal, but you can remove the metal lid and pop it in the microwave. I've never had a glass item break during transport. It really is tough stuff.

For sandwiches and stuff the wrap-n-mat is awesome. That's what its intended purpose is. You can wrap up your sandwich to transport and then when you open it the mat becomes a placemat to eat off of. You could easily make your own.

I use a plain handkerchief or large cotton napkin like this too. Works for bundling smaller things too. Like grapes, pretzels, crackers, etc.

I really don't advocate plastic in any form, but if you had to... go with the tupperware container, but NEVER microwave in it. You shouldn't store hot fatty foods in it either. Plastic leaches BPA into your foods.

I've been cling wrap-free for two years now, Ziploc-free for one.

♥ Rebecca Jean
Midnight Maniac

Ruby Rach said...

I've never heard of lunch bots or tiffins! Bento boxes yes, but I'd never think to use one to transport lunch. And glass jars, my gosh! You have no idea how many jars I have lying around at home - I like preserving, so people save their jars for me.

I have a few new man-sized hankies that my partner received for Xmas from his grandma - they would act well as a snack wrap or a napkin.

I've got to admit - I'm a plastic microwaver :( Until recently it was ignorance and laziness, but now I know how bad it is, it's just laziness. I shall take heed to my ways.

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